Sam Bennett

Celebrant Dip.Celebrant Studies/VCANZ
Full Circle Bespoke Life Events

I am a vocational funeral celebrant and I am aware and acknowledge that my role is a position of great honour and profound privilege. My key role and responsibilities are to facilitate nurture and encourage individuals’ families and the community to create a funeral ceremony that is appropriate to the person in my care. I will provide you with a professional service that reflects your personal style, values and beliefs and I am available 24/7.

When working with me as your funeral celebrant you can expect me to be respectful, friendly, mature, reassuring, sensitive, timely and non- judgemental with the proven ability and experience to bring order to a somewhat difficult and distressing occasion.

I am a fully trained and qualified funeral celebrant (Dip. Celebrant Studies) a validated member of the Celebrants Association of New Zealand (VCANZ)and I voluntarily serve my community as Justice of Peace for New Zealand. Full Circle Bespoke Life Events – serving Taranaki families since 2009.